
fo fade out

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fo fade out为短语/超纲词汇
1. Sound travels through the medium fo air.

2. It is the kind of moment in history when, to summarize in the words of Alfred North Whitehead, familiar patterns fade, familiar solutions fail, and familiar options disappear.
    一个引起恐慌的时刻。我们不妨用阿尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特海德的话来加以归纳: 在历史上的这种时刻,熟悉的模式在消退,熟悉的解决办法在失效,熟悉的选择在消失。

3. In a broadcast on October 1, 1940, Murrow declared: "Mark it down that these people are both brave and patient, that all are equal under the bomb, that this is a war of speed and organization, and that whichever political system best provides fo
